When I was seventeen, not a month would go by where I didn't have the very latest issue of both Cosmo and Cleo. I would always go over all the feature articles mentioning women in their mid-20's and be in awe of their lives that were portrayed in the glossy pages. These were career women who were in long-term relationships, who had clients, money in the bank and a mortgage as well.
I automatically assumed that when 25 would knock on my door, I'd have it sorted as well. Well here I am just before my 26th birthday and can't help but feeling a little ripped off... Let's take a closer look.
Relationship status is currently single. The only time I've ever been able to change it to 'in a relationship' on Facebook was, well never. Sure it's been 'it's complicated' a couple of times but that was just to add some drama into my already theatrical kind of life. So when I pore over these mags and all I see are by-lines screaming 'Where to holiday with your man' and 'when your friends become his friends' I can't help but think, I can't relate to any of this. Sure these features have enabled me to dish out incredibly wise words of wisdom to my gal pals, but I have been reading the same thing for the last nine or so years and if this is what the ideal reader embodies then I am definitely out of the loop on this one.
Career; undecided. I've delved into the world of PR, dabbled in the airline industry and have even thought about becoming a pro athlete. But PR was like selling my soul, working for Richard Branson meant being abused daily by passengers- oh I mean 'guests' and quite frankly I have a very deep and meaningful relationship with McDonald's which would have only hindered my shot to stardom as a tennis player.
Currently I am still trying to find what exactly floats my boat. I'm not working hard for 'those promotions' or asking my boss for a raise (I think you have to be in a position for longer than a few months to demand more money).
Mortgage; non-existent. How on Earth can I commit to buying a house when I am still entertaining the idea of moving to Paris for a couple of years? (Sure the only thing I know is 'voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?' but you've got to start somewhere right?) Plus, I don't want to come across as old-fashioned but shouldn't my husband be able to provide things like a house for me!? Although this does go back to the conflicting issue that you actually need a husband for this to work and considering that I am yet to snag a long-term relationship it could prove quite tricky...
So I find myself in a very odd situation. Everything I thought I would live up to; I, well didn't... But does this make me a failure? Or rather a modern-day woman who refuses to fit the mould that society has cast and instead has led a life of travel, romance and diversity. A free spirit who cannot be bound by what a magazine deems as the ideal life of young woman. Well that's how I prefer to look at it. I am finding that the older I get the older 'old' actually is and what I once thought would be the pinnacle of my life is now quite obviously only the beginning.
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