We all have our days where we just can't seem to lift ourselves from those sombre moods. Whether it's a breakup and we are mourning the remnants of an expired relationship, or perhaps just having a fat day after watching too much FTV, it's important not to mope around for too long.
Personally my lovely little situation is my health. I've been in and out of GP's, specialists and hospitals so many times that I have lost any amount of dignity that I once had. My body parts have become just that; bits of anatomy. I think the turning point was when I had to use the bedpan after an operation. I had two nurses assisting me to wipe myself and then had to hand them back my used toilet paper. Just so classy. And I thought me baring all would happen on a crazy weekend away skinny-dipping. Oh how wrong I was...
So after more than two months of illness after illness I was beginning to lose my marbles. When was this going to end? Was I going to end up on that program 'Spa of embarrassing illnesses?' or was this an ongoing thing that I just had to accept? It was then that I realised that it wasn't just about getting answers and deliberating over what my next move would be but it was about the journey and the way I was going to deal with it.
So it was then that I took a step back and gained some perspective. It was time to start doing the things I loved again and indulging in a little bit of rest and relaxation. Because when we put a smile on our dial it is then that we can chill out a little and deal with life a little more rationally. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the little things and sometimes you just want to dive under the covers and hide from the world. But If everyone did that then who would deliver me my morning green tea? We would all be avoiding reality safely tucked away leading a very boring existence indeed. That's no kind of life, so here are a few of my pick-me-ups, maybe you'll find some of them are yours too!
Surround yourselves with your loveliest friends. Those that are hippies at heart and ooze love. They're the ones that you could confide to about your secret career aspirations of being a pet squid breeder and you know that they would just greet your ideas with smiles, hugs and enthusiasm. These kinds of peeps can put you back on top of the world again, where you belong.
Soak up that vitamin D. I know that when I've been basking in the rays of the sun and I see that rich brown colour adorning my body, I am automatically left feeling slimmer, healthier and much more gorgeous. My cheeks are always left a little pink leaving me with a healthy little glow and an inner sparkle. Never stay in the sun so long that you looking more lobster than luscious. Peeling skin is just horrible and when someone tells you that your back looks like french toast, trust me it's not a compliment secretly letting you know that they want to eat you up.
Some pampering never goes astray. Manicure, pedicure, massage, facials; this kind of stuff can leave you feeling brand new especially after your body has been meticulously and clinically (not sensuously) explored for uncomfortable hours on end.
Getting your hair done and buying a killer outfit also helps. Because it's hard to feel like a decrepit corpse when you look in the mirror and you're thinking, damn I look fabulous! The five-inch heels together with Pantene Pro V worthy hair can catapult you back to happiness because when you've got the aesthetics down pat then your inner beauty can really shine.
To-do-lists are one of my most favourite things in the entire world. And when you're puffing away on a cigarette for some comfort thinking to yourself (quite dramatically) 'I've lost control of my life' there is only one thing you can do, and that is to regain control. Because you see these little lists let you re-assess your situation and take back the power. And even if it's only little things that your ticking off at first such as 'get out of bed' and 'brush teeth' that's okay, soon you'll be ticking off 'credit card paid off' and 'merge all superannuation funds.' Because when you're having a bad hair day, being reminded that your rent is two weeks overdue can bring about the snowball effect. It's best to bring some organisation into your life so you can stay afloat.
Never underestimate the powers of pumping iron. If I weren't so ill I would have pounded down that treadmill a long time ago because nothing feels as healthy or re-energising as sweating it out and lifting weights. It's the best way to get that natural endorphin rush and it always puts you into such a positive mindset afterwards. Exercise gives you the chance to release tension while you envision your ex boyfriends head making contact with your boxing glove. Far more productive than bitching about him to your girlfriends who have heard it all before.
Last but not least is; be kind to others. Life is most rewarding when you are helping your fellow human beings and I'm not talking about giving your mate a hand with moving because you plan on asking him for a ride up to the central coast. More like just smiling at strangers, helping your friend with their resumé and volunteering to babysit your nephew. Besides all the lovely karma you will attract, being in a good positive head space, has the ability to let you deal with life's little conundrums with ease and open your heart a little to the good of the world.
So next time life throws you a curve ball then by all means have your little sulk, tantrum and indulge in a screaming match or two but remind yourself to get back on track and shake your magic 8 ball once again to look for a different answer. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff and its way too precious to get swept up in the drama. Each and every person's happiness is individual, it's up to you to discover what makes your heart smile because nothing feels better than some sunshine after a rainy day!
i like reading your blogs <3
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