Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Magic vs. Mediocrity

Sometimes there are no fireworks, lightning bolt moments or sparks when you meet a potential partner. There aren’t any conversations till dawn and although there is definitely attraction, neither of you are bursting at the seams ready to express your undeniable passion for one another. In other words; life does not usually imitate art so what we often see in the movies does not often reflect reality.

You meet a guy, through mutual friends perhaps. You find each other on Facebook and it starts off as an innocent poke. Casual group drinks are organised, and after a beer or four he goes in for the snog.
You exchange numbers, go out on a few dates, watch a couple of movies. He seems nice enough and before long he is referring to you as his girlfriend.

Personally, I couldn’t think of anything worse.  I mean at least drink something more cosmopolitan than a beer! It’s hardly a story you could excitedly relay to your girlfriends about your new beau.

So let me tell you how it should be…

You catch eyes across the room. He saunters over drink in hand (a dirty martini in fact) and you feel compelled to introduce yourself as he gazes intently into your eyes. The next time you see each other you end up sitting on a wharf with a bottle of wine watching the sunrise and talking about absolutely everything and anything under the sun. He leaves notes under your pillow, you never worry about sending too many text messages or answering after the first ring or leaving voicemail messages ‘just because’. The feelings are overwhelmingly reciprocated and dopamine levels are soaring high.

So, is one reality and the other a far fetched fantasy that is drenched in idealism and not as substantial?  Or does every girl deserve her fairy tale romance and everything else is nothing but a cheap and unfulfilling imitation?

You may fall under the category of those that seek a relationship based on similarities, morals, comfort. You may want someone who you can slowly discover layer by layer and think that all the small talk is just business before pleasure.

Or maybe you’re like me? I seek passion, emotion and I’m more inclined to think; damn the morals! My significant other and I would revel in each others contrasting personalities, argue about the price of limes and become intoxicated with one another.

It’s definitely not for everyone, and in turn I am not the typical girl next door but rather an acquired taste.
So does this limit my ability to delve into the pond and go fishing? Maybe. But if it means avoiding beer drinking men whose idea of romance is watching a movie then so be it!

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